Chicago, IL - - The American Osteopathic Foundation has recently engaged as a partner in the Scripps Research DETECT Study to promote the use of wearable devices in spotting viral outbreaks.

Amidst the current global epidemic of the COVID-19 coronavirus, real-time investigation of highly contagious respiratory illness is absolutely essential for effective outbreak response and prevention strategies. With the proof of concept and necessary infrastructure already in place, in early March 2020, Scripps Research launched DETECT: Digital Engagement & Tracking for Early Control & Treatment.

“The American Osteopathic Foundation and its network of physicians, industry supporters, and affiliates is poised to inform and engage a wide audience about participation in the DETECT study and provide valuable input on addressing significant research questions,” said Martin Levine, DO, president of the foundation’s Board of Directors.

Participating in the DETECT study means that by wearing a wearable fitness device with heart rate tracking and choosing to share data, hundreds of thousands of people may be able to help scientists better detect and respond to viral illness outbreaks. “In light of the upcoming flu season and the global pandemic of COVID-19, we see enormous opportunity to improve disease tracking for improved population health,” says Jennifer Radin, PhD, an epidemiologist at the Scripps Research Translational Institute who is leading the study.

To enroll in the DETECT Study, visit