Partnerships & Initiatives
In times of rapid change related to all aspects of medicine - such as in education, clinical service delivery, research, population health, technology, virtual communication, and patient-centered care - the health professions must meet the challenges and harness the opportunities that the future offers.

The Foundation initiated work on Project Future in late 2020 as part of its 2021-2025 strategic planning process. The work builds on the historical evolution that characterizes Osteopathic Medicine’s development marked by 1) a distinctive philosophy and practice 2) post-Flexner growth 3) equity of practice and military service; 4) parity of access to education and scholarly resources; and 5) unification of institutional pillars such as hospitals and, most recently GME.
The logical question for the profession is: What are the next advancements that Osteopathic Medicine can and should make to health care?
In other words, what is the profession’s vision for the future?
In late 2020, through a series of white papers written by professionals in the field at the request of the Foundation, recurring, consistent themes were formed.
The Foundation is currently engaging subject matter experts in the areas of Professional Identity, Education, Research, and Clinical Practice. They will draw on their experience and expertise to provide observations based on topics within these four areas. These presentations will be filmed and professionally edited and compiled.
The Foundation will be convening a diverse group of thought leaders to review the filmed presentations, participate in thoughtful dialog, and make recommendations and/or highlight opportunities that can be utilized to construct action plans to protect, foster, and grow the Osteopathic profession.
*White papers not for publication or distribution.