The William G. Anderson, DO, Scholarship Fund was established in 1998 in recognition of the distinguished career of William G. Anderson, DO, and his life-long commitment to civil rights, his dogged pursuit of diversity, equity and inclusion, three decades-long dedication to the Osteopathic profession, and his generous philanthropic spirit.  


This scholarship annually recognizes Osteopathic medical students who are committed to Osteopathic principles and practices, excel academically, and have proven to be leaders in addressing educational and societal barriers, as well as addressing health care needs of minority populations.  


A limited number of  scholarships in the amount of $10,000 will be awarded to Osteopathic medical students who exemplify the scholarship’s purpose.  


*Minority is defined by the US Census as those individuals identifying as African American; Asian American, Arab and other Middle Eastern American, Native American (including American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian); and Latinx or Hispanic students.  International students are also welcome to apply.

Application Requirements

Review Process

Application period opens March 3, 2025, and closes May 12, 2025. Applicants and their COM/SOM will be notified of funding decisions by July 31, 2025.  Selected recipients will be invited to attend the American Osteopathic Foundation’s Honors Gala event on Friday, September 26, 2025, in Nashville, Tennessee, TN, and will receive recognition of their scholarship in the Honors Tribute Book. Each recipient will also receive one (1) complimentary ticket to Honors and a travel stipend to defray travel and hotel accommodation costs to attend the event.  

Click here to access the application portal.

Proceeds from the sale of "Autobiographies of a Black Couple of the Greatest Generation" by William G. and Norma L. Anderson benefit this scholarship program.