Grants & Programs
Early career Osteopathic researchers face barriers to conducing independent research projects such as a lack of funding or experience, limited research time, and the absence of a research mentor or team. Recognizing that these challenges represent an opportunity to provide support, the AOF’s Osteopathic Research Incubator Grants give early career investigators the financial seed money needed to begin their own Osteopathic medical research project, build research experience/expertise, and initiate projects that can lead to more in-depth research.
Osteopathic Research Incubator Grants will fund proof of concept, pilot, or feasibility studies that advance Osteopathic medicine. This grant is intended to help prepare early career investigators to eventually compete with more senior investigators for future research grants from other funders.
A limited number of seed grants ranging from $1,000 - $5,000 will be awarded to early career investigators for a project period of 12-18 months. Payments will be made in two installments: 75% upon signing of the grant agreement and 25% upon completion of a final report within 30 days of the project end date.
Eligibility Requirements
- Applicants should be an Osteopathic medical student, resident, or fellow at the time of application and throughout the length of the project period.
- Individuals who have previously obtained research funding from a federal agency, the AOA, or the AOF are not eligible.
- Applicants should identify at least one experienced DO mentor with a strong track record in related academic or clinical research. The mentor will work with the applicant on a plan, review the application before submission, and serve as an advisor throughout the project to ensure it is competitive in terms of both scientific excellence and relevance.
- Applicant’s proposal must focus on the science and knowledge of the biomechanical, biomedical, and clinical aspects of Osteopathic medicine and Osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT).
- The applicant assumes full administrative, fiscal, ethical, and scientific responsibility for the conduct of the project.
- Current AOA membership is required to apply (students may register for complimentary AOA membership).
- Applicants are only eligible to receive this grant once.
Application Requirements
- Completed online application – applicants may apply directly.
- One (1) letter of recommendation from the applicant’s mentor, on institutional letterhead, describing their background, role in the research project, their commitment to the applicant’s training, and experience mentoring other students, residents, or junior faculty level researchers. The mentor must be a DO and have significant experience conducting Osteopathic research.
- Medical Students Only: A Letter of Good Standing from the Dean or their designee, confirming a strong academic standing and verification from the COM that, if received, this grant will not render the student ineligible for other financial aid opportunities or reduce the total aid for which they are eligible.
- CV/Resume/Bio sketch including all previous applicable experience and training, including any professional memberships (Osteopathic or other), research experience, etc. A sample NIH biographical sketch format page is located here.
- Abstract/Summary Page that includes the following elements: Title, Background, Purpose/Specific Aims, Methods/Study Design, Hypothesis, and Significance of Study. Winning proposals may have this summary published on the AOF website.
- Research Project Plan that clearly outlines the background, hypothesis(es), specific aims, and scientific approaches that will be taken to address each specific aim. An impact statement should also be included that describes the importance of this research to the practice of Osteopathic medicine.
- Project Budget detailing all anticipated expenditures and funding sources using the provided template. Justifiable research expenses include but are not limited to data collection equipment, materials/supplies, statistical consultation, patient/subject honorarium, publication fees. Grant funds may not be used for indirect costs or salary support of investigators or co-investigators.
- Project Timeline to include the start and end date as well as any important anticipated milestones, dissemination plan for findings and next steps, and a description of applicant’s progress to date, if applicable.
- Applications whose research involves the use of human subjects, or any data or material obtained from human subjects must provide an IRB approval letter. Research that involves the use of vertebrate animals must have an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approval letter.
- All applicants must provide proof of AOA membership to be considered.
Additional Requirements
- Recipients are required to submit a final grant report with documentation supporting expenditures such as receipts or invoices. Final payment is contingent on report completion.
- It is the expectation of the AOF that recipients will submit their research to a scientific meeting or for publication in a peer review journal. If an abstract or poster is accepted for a meeting in the contiguous United States, the grantee will be eligible to apply for an additional travel grant to present the work.
- Recipients will acknowledge the support of the American Osteopathic Foundation in all reports or presentations of research results achieved through this grant.