Providing healthcare to disadvantaged communities and populations is critical to the success of healthcare in the United States.  The lack of physicians and access to healthcare in these communities severely compromises disease prevention activities and often results in poor health status. Projects that seek to launch a new program or initiative or incorporate a new or innovative practice into an existing program will receive preference.

A limited number of grants of up to $25,000 will be distributed to qualified 501(c)(3) health centers for a period of 12-36 months, contingent upon the submission and satisfactory review of reporting requirements. Award determinations will be announced by the end of November.


RFP Requirements
Step 1: Letter of Intent - Please allow for 5 business days for AOF to review, once submitted.

Step 2: Full Proposal - Selected organizations will be invited to submit a full proposal.

Learn more about our most recent Caring for Communities Grant recipient.

The Caring for Communities Fund was established in 2015 through a generous donation from Carole Crosby, JD and Larry Wickless, DO to recognize and support the work of Osteopathic physicians making a difference in the lives of people struggling with a variety of healthcare and social issues.