Since 1993, the Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association (AAOA) and the American Osteopathic Foundation have partnered to extend this prestigious award to spouses of graduating Osteopathic Medical Students from across the country who have been nominated by their Osteopathic Colleges/Schools of Osteopathic Medicine (COMs/SOMs). The annual Donna Jones Moritsugu Memorial Award honors the memory of the beloved late wife of Kenneth P. Moritsugu, MD. Dr. Moritsugu, former Deputy Surgeon General of the United States, retired military physician, nationally recognized public health expert, and former AOF Board member. While serving as Rear Admiral in the US Public Health Service, throughout medical school, and while in practice, Dr. Moritsugu appreciated the many ways in which Donna served as "the wind beneath his wings.”


This award honors spouses of graduating Osteopathic medical students who exemplify immeasurable support and have made significant personal and professional sacrifices that have contributed to their partner’s success.


One (1) legally recognized spouse of a graduating OMS-IV may be honored by each COM/SOM, branch campus, and location annually.


Nomination Requirements

General Information

Click here to access the nomination portal.